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How I became a QHHT Practitioner

I began my own personal spiritual journey by learning meditation in the early 1990s and then later teaching the process at TAFE. People would come into my life with modalities and I would learn from them. I read the tarot for a number of years at Psychic Fairs around the metropolitan area, and then I became a Reiki Master. After my father passed, I had an accident and a walk-in experience and my healing abilities increased immediately and the doors opened for other opportunities. I was introduced to the teachings of soft and deep tissue massage and I began working from home. I was introduced to a Gong Master and singing bowl healer in Ocean Reef and did a course with her. I worked with crystals for a time until I realised and was told by spirit that “I was the Crystal”. I was then guided to do an Akashic Records course and Regeneration Healing course and this led me to be introduced to Dolore Cannon’s workshops in 2011 in Perth, Western Australia. I attained Level 1 and 2 of the Practitioner’s course and was amazed by the results in my own life and chose to develop it as a profession for my future life to help others as well.

At the time of completion of the course, my beautiful partner and I purchased a Bed and Breakfast facility in the Perth Hills, which I transformed into a Retreat, where I could use my spiritual gifts of Massage, Reiki and the hypnosis information provided by Dolores Cannon QHHT to the best of my ability. I had been guided by my Higher Self since 1990 and found that this was a perfect way to develop the technique for clients who visited the Retreat. Clients would book into the bed and breakfast for a weekend or more, and arrange appointments with me for modalities of healing they required. I knew they were being guided to me and I would channel information which would come to me during their time with us.

After the course in 2011, I decided to continue the growth in my own business and did manage to remain in contact with a couple of Practitioners to swap sessions to help our growth and learning. From my early years, I was in search of knowledge. I could not find the knowledge from the church, which could not explain “why” to many questions I wanted answered, and this is why I was ultimately led to Dolores. The thirst for knowledge was very deep within me, as it was in her, and it took me down many paths of spiritual growth and learning.

My first hypnosis which was performed by a Practitioner, led me to some of my Native American past lives and the Higher Self came through very easily. I had past lives as Mayan and Aztec Indians as a Sharman and they were very interesting. The reason these were presented to me was to overcome my self-worth issues in those lifetimes and also forgiveness of punishment I received as a result of speaking my truth. I had learned to not speak my truth since then, as I had suffered so much in the past. I learned that my two main lessons in this lifetime were speaking my truth and detachment. I also had a QHHT session performed where my fragmented aspects were brought together and this helped me greatly to find wholeness. I was amazed at the wisdom which came through and it explained many aspects of my life which I did not know on a 3D dimensional plane. I became aware that my spirit travelled nightly and was involved in a Council of Six in the higher dimensions. This Council made decisions regarding the evolving of planet earth although I never remembered anything when I landed back in my bed in the morning. This information of what I did in my sleep time was very beneficial to me, as it made me aware of how much I was working on other levels and dimensions at night and to allow rest in my daytime hours.

My first experience as a Dolores Cannon Practitioner, was amazing. Dolores took me to a place with no worries and no problems and this is the experience she gave her clients in their sessions. Over the 7 years of practice, I have had many different client issues and I have learned well. What did I learn from the experience? I learned not to expect anything when they come in the door, as every session was different and not to judge any outcome. I learned to accept what happens and to invite the Ascended Masters and archangels into the session with the permission, of course, of the client. I learned patience and tolerance to wait and to listen to the help that was given to me from the Masters. Sometimes the clients would see the spiritual entourage that came into our sessions and even though I couldn’t see them, I trusted in the process as the clients would leave feeling wonderful all over. Some would just feel “tingling” over their bodies when I asked the Masters to do a body scan. Some would laugh and you would see an instant change of vibration in them. Some would have an “AHA” moment when realisation of their higher self would come into their reality and joy would fill them. Sometimes, nothing happened that they were aware of, but they would have received healing in some way, and I would give them a CD with the recorded visit, and they would learn from the experience to find the answers in their lives.

I found with clients who had developed a “Dis-ease” that they were not balanced in their daily lives and their spirit would have to stop them from their fast pace to give them time to heal their bodies. Most times an accident or a disease is created to give the spirit time to heal them, and try to change the negative belief system that they have created such as “Life is Hard Work”, Unfortunately we seem to be programmed to learn through pain, and this is what is created in their lives, however if we only realised and listened to our spirit, the change could be made without pain and suffering.

It all has to do with wanting control, and we always want to do it “our” way. Sometimes, we have to be at our lowest ebb, before we realise that there is another way and to look toward our divine spirit to guide us. So many clients brought through from their higher selves, that “They were not listening”, and therefore continued to create dramas in their lives. Also, boredom is a reason for people to create drama, and you can watch the children and see this behaviour also. One of my clients asked me “How do you live a life without drama?”. Well, it is simple, you learn to love yourself and to do that, you don’t want to hurt yourself either! If we could only open our hearts and accept what is and not judge ourselves and others, we would all be living happier lives in our process. I know my life has been enriched by Dolores' process and so do countless other people who have grown spiritually from her wisdom and knowledge. I now am able to receive my own wisdom and knowledge in my life and it is truly amazing.

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